
The California ISO's change management process facilitates the transparent exchange of ideas and information when the ISO considers modifications to its Business Practice Manuals (BPMs). Use​​ this site to submit and view Proposed Revision Requests (PRRs) and their statuses and to access the BPM library.

  • The purpose of BPMs is to set forth business practices that implement the ISO tariff. The ISO conducts a yearly policy initiative roadmap process to consider and rank initiatives.
  • Policy changes submitted though the PRR process will be referred to the policy initiative road map process. Each subject area in a BPM is based on enabling language in the ISO tariff.
  • The PRR process cannot be used to introduce changes that are not supported by existing tariff authority.​
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  • Click on the PRR Number to view the complete details of the PRR.
  • To view the complete title mouse hover on the PRR Title field.
  • IC - Initial Comment, RC - Recommendation Comment

  • PRR
    PRR Title
    Submitted By
    Last Action
    1589Updating information to add the extended day ahead market to the applicationScheduling Coordinator Certification and TerminationInitial Stakeholder MeetingAHines, Nicole (CAISO)Emergency9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1588Updates related to FERC Order 2222Demand ResponseInitial Stakeholder MeetingBAhmed, Hewayda (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1587Process for off grid charging indicator electionMarket OperationsInitial Stakeholder MeetingAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 2
    RC: 0
    1586Addition of two new fields to GRDT to support FERC Order 2222Market InstrumentsInitial Stakeholder MeetingBMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1585Updated BPM configuration guide for pre-calc wheel export quantity to accommodate summing over attribute which is conflicting with existing business driversSettlements and BillingInitial Stakeholder MeetingBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1584Update configuration guide for resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism pre-calc to fix limited energy storage resource adequacy generic availability and flexible obligation calculations issueSettlements and BillingInitial Stakeholder MeetingBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1583Update configuration guide for CC 6976 to implement amended LOA for COTP losses pricing for WAPA and partiesSettlements and BillingInitial Stakeholder MeetingBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1582Clarifications and clean-up for resource adequacy and supply plan uploadsReliability RequirementsInitial Stakeholder MeetingABogen, Melanie (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1581Rules of bidding above soft offer cap as result of price formation projectMarket InstrumentsStakeholder Meeting on RecommendationCMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1580Clarification on Resource Sufficiency Evaluation CAISO Discount interchange Award timingEnergy Imbalance MarketStakeholder Meeting on RecommendationAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 3
    RC: 0
    1579Updating TPP Phase 3 - Process for Submitting Project Sponsor ProposalsTransmission Planning ProcessStakeholder Meeting on RecommendationARivera, Andrew (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1578Error CorrectionGenerator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation ProceduresStakeholder Meeting on RecommendationAWilson, Daune (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1577Three unrelated corrections and clarificationsMarket OperationsStakeholder Meeting on RecommendationAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal9/12/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 1
    1576Addition of contingency-base flowgates to Flexible Ramping Product deployment scenariosMarket OperationsWithdrawnBMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency6/13/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1575Declassifying as a BPM, transition to supporting documentDefinitions and AcronymsClosedAMeredith, Jacqueline (CAISO)Normal7/30/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1574Addition of new Real Time Advisory Shutdown Instructions Customer Market Results Interface reportMarket InstrumentsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency7/30/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1573Clarifications to the CAISO AET Opt-in determination and Opt-in processEnergy Imbalance MarketClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency7/30/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1572Updated CC 4575 GMC Scheduling Coordinator ID Charge to clarify business rule charge code exclusionsSettlements and BillingClosedAAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal7/18/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1571Updating SUC MLC PC BPM documentation for Advisory shutdown flag for MLC qualificationSettlements and BillingClosedAAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal7/18/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1570Details on new process to establish Wheeling Through Priority as part of the TSMSP projectMarket OperationsClosedCMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency7/18/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1569Meter data submission requirementMeteringClosedANamburi, Priyanka (CAISO)Normal7/18/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1568Clarifying tagging requirements in support of resource sufficiency evaluation Phase 2 ProjectMarket OperationsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 2
    1567Updates to constraints related to the impact of ancillary service awards on state of charge on storage resourcesMarket OperationsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1566Updating multiple BPMs for correct settlement of hybrid tie generator resourcesSettlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1565Update configuration guide for resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism pre-calc to resolve data overlap for the same resource on acquired rights and run of river resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism exemptionSettlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    Total No. of Proposed Revision Requests = 1522
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