1621 | Updating application with new congenstion revenue rights customer types | Candidate CRR Holder Registration | Initial Comment | A | Hines, Nicole (CAISO) | Emergency | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1620 | Clarification regarding eligible generating units as new use import commitments | Reliability Requirements | Initial Comment | C | Bogen, Melanie (CAISO) | Normal | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1619 | Changes related to implementation of the congestion revenue rights replacement project | Congestion Revenue Rights | Recommendation Comment | C | Chandinee Chandrasekaran, Chandinee Chandrasekaran (CAISO) | Normal | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1618 | Clarifications to the after-market cost recovery process | Market Instruments | Recommendation Comment | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Emergency | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1616 | Capacity procurement mechanism track 1 | Reliability Requirements | Final Decision | C | Bogen, Melanie (CAISO) | Normal | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1615 | Updating application to include information for the extended day ahead market | Scheduling Coordinator Certification and Termination | Final Decision | A | Hines, Nicole (CAISO) | Emergency | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1614 | Demand response related changes due to the penalty enhancements: demand response, investigation, tolling | Demand Response | Final Decision | C | Ahmed, Hewayda (CAISO) | Emergency | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 1
RC: 0 |
1613 | Market issue that resources providing regulation were going off automatic generation control early to ramp to new dispatch operating target | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1612 | Stage 2 veriable energy resource and aggregate capability constraints limits | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 2
RC: 0 |
1611 | Convergence bidding is not permitted on intertie nodes | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1610 | Stage 2 variable energy resource will be set to self-schedule only until the resource is a Stage 3 variable energy resource | Market Operations | Withdrawn | B | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 3/31/2025 |
IC: 6
RC: 0 |
1609 | Update to OASIS report on nodal limits regarding Convergence bidding | Market Instruments | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1608 | Updating resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism pre-calc configuration to fix limited energy storage resources negative generic availability issue | Settlements and Billing | Closed | B | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Emergency | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1607 | Correction for assistance energy transfer calculation of available balance capacity reg up credit | Settlements and Billing | Withdrawn | B | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Emergency | 12/30/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1606 | Updating start-up costs minimum load costs pre-calc BPM configuration for minimum load costs qualification from advisory shut | Settlements and Billing | Closed | B | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Emergency | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1605 | Interconnection process enhancements 2023 updates and clarifications | Generator Management | Closed | C | Jordan, Jill (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 4
RC: 3 |
1604 | Updates to training requirements during congestion revenue rights holder registration process | Candidate CRR Holder Registration | Closed | B | Wiltzius, Rashele (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1603 | Updates to training requirements during scheduling coordinator certification process | Scheduling Coordinator Certification and Termination | Closed | B | Wiltzius, Rashele (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1602 | Clarification on outage reporting scenarios for non-resource-specific resource adequacy resources | Reliability Requirements | Closed | A | Bogen, Melanie (CAISO) | Normal | 3/19/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1601 | Updated 24/7 grid test requirements for existing scheduling coordinators | Scheduling Coordinator Certification and Termination | Closed | B | Hines, Nicole (CAISO) | Emergency | 2/20/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1600 | Rules of Conduct penalty enhancements: demand response, investigation, tolling revisions | Rules of Conduct Administration | Closed | C | Stahl, Angelica (CAISO) | Emergency | 2/20/2025 |
IC: 1
RC: 0 |
1599 | Critical telemery points | Direct Telemetry | Closed | A | Namburi, Priyanka (CAISO) | Normal | 2/20/2025 |
IC: 1
RC: 0 |
1598 | Clarification on OASIS posting of CAISO system demand | Market Instruments | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 1/10/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1597 | Clarifications to the high sustainable limit | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 1/10/2025 |
IC: 2
RC: 0 |
1596 | Withdrawn | Direct Telemetry | Withdrawn | A | Namburi, Priyanka (CAISO) | Normal | 10/21/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1595 | 2025 Availability Assessment Hours | Reliability Requirements | Closed | B | Bogen, Melanie (CAISO) | Normal | 1/10/2025 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1594 | Change the load base schedule calculation used in the settlement of WEIM resource sufficiency evaluations | Energy Imbalance Market | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 12/12/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1593 | Change to price correction reporting | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 12/12/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1592 | Addition of new price correction summary report on OASIS | Market Instruments | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 12/12/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1591 | Updates to the hourly energy shaping factor from the price formation enhancements phase 2 initiative | Market Instruments | Closed | B | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Emergency | 12/12/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1590 | Scheduling coordinator responsibilities for FERC 2222 distributed curtailed resources and distributed energy resource aggregation resources | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 12/12/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1589 | Updating information to add the extended day ahead market to the application | Scheduling Coordinator Certification and Termination | Closed | A | Hines, Nicole (CAISO) | Emergency | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1588 | Updates related to FERC Order 2222 | Demand Response | Closed | B | Ahmed, Hewayda (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1587 | Process for off grid charging indicator election | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 2
RC: 0 |
1586 | Addition of two new fields to GRDT to support FERC Order 2222 | Market Instruments | Closed | B | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1585 | Updated BPM configuration guide for pre-calc wheel export quantity to accommodate summing over attribute which is conflicting with existing business drivers | Settlements and Billing | Closed | B | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1584 | Update configuration guide for resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism pre-calc to fix limited energy storage resource adequacy generic availability and flexible obligation calculations issue | Settlements and Billing | Closed | B | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1583 | Update configuration guide for CC 6976 to implement amended LOA for COTP losses pricing for WAPA and parties | Settlements and Billing | Closed | B | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1582 | Clarifications and clean-up for resource adequacy and supply plan uploads | Reliability Requirements | Closed | A | Bogen, Melanie (CAISO) | Normal | 11/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1581 | Rules of bidding above soft offer cap as result of price formation project | Market Instruments | Closed | C | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Emergency | 10/16/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1580 | Clarification on Resource Sufficiency Evaluation CAISO Discount interchange Award timing | Energy Imbalance Market | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 10/16/2024 |
IC: 4
RC: 0 |
1579 | Updating TPP Phase 3 - Process for Submitting Project Sponsor Proposals | Transmission Planning Process | Closed | A | Rivera, Andrew (CAISO) | Normal | 10/16/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1578 | Error Correction | Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures | Closed | A | Wilson, Daune (CAISO) | Normal | 10/16/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1577 | Three unrelated corrections and clarifications | Market Operations | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Normal | 10/16/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 1 |
1576 | Addition of contingency-base flowgates to Flexible Ramping Product deployment scenarios | Market Operations | Withdrawn | B | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Emergency | 6/13/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1575 | Declassifying as a BPM, transition to supporting document | Definitions and Acronyms | Closed | A | Meredith, Jacqueline (CAISO) | Normal | 7/30/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1574 | Addition of new Real Time Advisory Shutdown Instructions Customer Market Results Interface report | Market Instruments | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Emergency | 7/30/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1573 | Clarifications to the CAISO AET Opt-in determination and Opt-in process | Energy Imbalance Market | Closed | A | Martin, Michael (CAISO) | Emergency | 7/30/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1572 | Updated CC 4575 GMC Scheduling Coordinator ID Charge to clarify business rule charge code exclusions | Settlements and Billing | Closed | A | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Normal | 7/18/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |
1571 | Updating SUC MLC PC BPM documentation for Advisory shutdown flag for MLC qualification | Settlements and Billing | Closed | A | Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO) | Normal | 7/18/2024 |
IC: 0
RC: 0 |