See BPM attached to this PRR
See BPM attached to this PRR
An Amendment to Letter of Agreement on California Oregon Transmission Project (COTP) Losses scheduled at TRCYCOTPISO scheduling point requires an update to CC 6976. In particular, below is an excerpt of the agreement that needs to be implemented:
“Effective trade date November 1, 2024, the CAISO will calculate each appropriate scheduling coordinator’s portion of COTP losses by hour on a daily basis. Each scheduling coordinator’s hourly COTP losses MW is calculated as the product of the applicable loss factor and the scheduling coordinator’s gross (absolute values) intertie schedules (from e-tags), which schedule across the COTP transmission using the TRCYCOTPISO scheduling point. CAISO will calculate the COTP loss amount as the product of WAPA’s COTP Loss Price; the COTP loss factor and the COTP Transmission MWs tagged (at TRCYCOTPISO).”
Most of the calculations mentioned here are already in place in Settlemens configuration. The only change would be to an associated variable called HourlyCOTPSchedulingPointTie1Price. Instead of the current calculation, this will be derived from a monthly raw input data provided by WAPA to CAISO. The same monthly data will be used for every Trading Hour of the corresponding month.
Approve as submitted.