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PRR Details
Title Updates for hybrid resources phase 2b policy initiative
Date Submitted 9/29/2022 12:02 PM
PRR Category B
Priority Normal
Owner Martin, Michael (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 3/14/2023 11:59 PM
Related BPM Market Operations
BPM Section Section and 2.1.22
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Existing Language

​See Attached

Proposed Language

​See Attached

Reason For Revision

Updates that support the Hybrid Resource Phase 2b project including ACC Constraint structures, market processes, Dynamic limits, examples and diagrams.

Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Martin, Michael (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

​Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

Identification of the authorship of comments


Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

The team is still answering questions and recommendations submitted by SCE
Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

not before 12/1
Other recommended actions

Click here to view the Final Decision for this PRR
Final Decision

Adopt the recommendation as modified
Stakeholder Comment

Stakeholders requested more information on limits. 

Effective Date


Adopt the recommendation as modified

The PRR Change meeting noted an additional PRR will address further clarifications
2/2/23: This BPM edit has been pulled back into Recommendation phase to allow more time for comments and review.
Posted On - 2/2/2023 8:46 AM
1/27/23: Please see edits in the attachment which add more controls around hybrid dynamic limits.
Posted On - 1/27/2023 1:36 PM
1/3/2023  Please see implementation edit in the attachment regarding how the CAISO handles missing dynamic limits in FMM
Posted On - 1/3/2023 11:41 AM
Responses to SCE questions:

Aggregate Capability Constraint (ACC)

There are instances when the CAISO expects the ACC to be honored and there are instances when the CAISO will issue dispatches in excess of that limitation. The CAISO should clearly state, within the BPM, when each case applies. Additionally, the CAISO must supply SCs with a realtime flag or status such that the resource can program its control systems to either respect or violate its ACC. This will ensure reliability by minimizing the chance of Scheduling Coordinators misinterpreting any CAISO instructions.

Answer: CAISO expects the subordinate ACC to be honored except on occasion when there are stressed system conditions, also phrased as a risk of a supply/demand imbalance, which can also be phrased as a risk of shedding firm load. The subordinate ACC penalty price will be set just below the power balance constraint (Please see section of the Market Operations BPM to learn more about the Power Balance Constraint). The market will attempt to use any available capacity by relaxing the subordinate ACC constraint before relaxing the power balance constraint. CAISO will make the appropriate clarifications in the BPM to make this language clearer. Thank you for your suggestion regarding the new realtime flag, CAISO will consider it.

Dynamic Limit Tool (DLT)

In its filing at the FERC2, the CAISO indicates that dynamic limit submittal is mandatory for every 5 minute interval of every day. The PRR indicates that submitting dynamic limits are optional. Please align the PRR with the proposed tariff.

Answer: Thank you. CAISO will make the appropriate language changes in the BPM.

Additionally, SCE requests clarification on when an outage card is required. The PRR lists four scenarios when a resource may submit dynamic limits. But it isn’t clear as to when an outage should be submitted. Consider scenario 2: “unavailability of renewable generation”. This vague description suggests that mechanical failure conditions such as inverter failures, loss of source power, or inoperable transformers could properly be reported via the dynamic limit tool because they meet Condition 2 “unavailability of renewable generation”. However, it seems like these conditions are more appropriately reported via an outage. Please clarify when an outage must be submitted.

Answer: Scenario 2 states “unavailability of renewable generation due to lack of fuel resource” which implies unfavorable environmental conditions for solar, wind, etc. This paragraph should be understood as the scenarios in where submitting dynamic limits is acceptable. If the reason for the unit outage or derate is not one of these scenarios then an outage card must be submitted. CAISO will make the appropriate explicit clarifications in the BPM.

Thank You
Mike Rugh (CAISO)
Posted On - 10/27/2022 9:15 AM
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis not available.
Initial Comments
10/18/2022 9:34 AM
Logged By - Aditya Chauhan (SCE) (Southern California Edison)
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