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Title Stabilization of maximum import capability baseline calculation
Date Submitted 3/26/2020 1:13 PM
PRR Category B
Priority Normal
Owner Woody, Kyle (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 6/16/2020 11:59 PM
Related BPM Reliability Requirements
BPM Section Deliverability of Imports
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Existing Language
Specifically, the prior two years of historical import schedule data is examined during high load periods.  The sample hours are selected by choosing two hours in each year, and on different days within the same year, with the highest total import level when peak load was at least 90% of the annual system peak load. The historically-based MIC values are then determined to be the scheduled net import values for each intertie plus the unused Existing Transmission Contract (“ETC”) rights and Transmission Ownership Rights (“TOR”), averaged over the four selected historical hours.


The initial Historical MIC methodology and assessment is described in the Preliminary Deliverability Baseline Analysis Study Report5, Appendix 2: Initial CA ISO Import Level for the Deliverability of Imports Assessment.

Proposed Language
Specifically, the CAISO calculates baseline MIC for the next RA year, by using the average imports across four selected hours with high import levels.  The CAISO selects the four hours per the following process.  First, for each one of the last five years, the CAISO identifies the two hours with the highest actual imports (when load is at or above 90% of that year’s peak). If the two highest hours for a year identified herein occurred on the same day, then the CAISO identifies the next-highest import hour of that year that occurred on a different day of that year and used this as a second highest hour for that year.  Second, the CAISO ranks the prior five years ranked by the sum of their two highest actual imports (when load is at or above 90% of that year’s peak).  Third, the CAISO identifies the two years with the highest level of imports among those five years.  Forth, the two highest hours from the two highest years comprise the four data points that will be used in the calculation.   


Once the four selected data points are established by actual real-time data, actual schedules (transmission usage data) from OASIS is used from the hour ahead (HASP) market for the same hour as established by real-time data. The CAISO will use the actual net schedules plus the unused ETC and TOR for that hour for each branch group. The hour ahead market data is preferred because it is closer to real-time than day ahead market data and it has higher values than real-time market data because the ETCs and TORs are protected in the day ahead and hour ahead market but are then released in the real-time market if unused.


The baseline MIC calculation will use branch group by branch group HASP schedule for those 4 hours as established above. In order to come up with the Baseline MIC for the applicable (future) RA year, the baseline calculation above is augmented by the future year available ETC, TOR and Pre-RA Import Commitments as applicable.
Reason For Revision

Changes are required in order to provide an enhanced level of MIC stabilization from one year to the next and the proposal is the final result of the Maximum Import Capability Stabilization and Multi-Year Allocation stakeholder initiative as available in the Revised Straw Proposal posted March 12, 2020.  

Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Woody, Kyle (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

Identification of the authorship of comments


Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

Other recommended actions

Click here to view the Final Decision for this PRR
Final Decision

Approve bpm language as submitted.
Stakeholder Comment


Effective Date


Adopt the recommendation as originally issued

No Announcements has been posted for this PRR.
Impact Analysis
Initial Comments
CAISO received late written comments via email about PRR 1239. on 4/21/2020
Submitted by Nuo Tang from San Diego Gas & Electric.

For transparency, comments are posted here and noted as late and may or may not be discussed during the next stakeholder meeting.
4/22/2020 7:47 AM
Logged By - Hines, Nicole (CAISO)
Comments on behalf of the Six Cities on PRR 1239
4/14/2020 3:05 PM
Logged By - Rebecca Shelton (Cities of Anaheim, Azusa, Banning, Colton, Pasadena, and Riverside, California)
The stakeholder have already reached a consensus that in order to stabilize the Maximum Import Capability (MIC) calculation it is preferred to change the methodology in order to use data from the highest 2 years among the last 5 rather than the current method of using only data from the last two years. In order to be implemented for RA year 2021 the BPM change needs to be processed and approved at this time. Any future outcomes of the “Maximum Import Capability Stabilization and Multi-Year Allocation” initiative will only be effective starting RA year 2022 at the earliest. If further changes are approved through the current ongoing stakeholder initiative, they will have to go through Tariff and BPM changes on their own merits and if necessary change or eliminate the current calculation method.
4/21/2020 8:14 AM
Responded By - Woody, Kyle (CAISO)
Recommendation Comments
No Recommendation Comments available for this PRR.
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