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PRR Details
Title Reliability Coordinator Services BPM
Date Submitted 11/1/2018 11:41 AM
PRR Category C
Priority Normal
Owner Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 1/11/2019 11:59 PM
Related BPM Reliability Coordinator Services
BPM Section New BPM
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Existing Language
See attached BPM for review
Proposed Language
This is a new BPM so please review the attached document.
Reason For Revision
 Not a revision. This is a new BPM as CAISO will take on reliability coordinator services.
Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

SRP and BPA comments are addressed in the latest redline version. Please review the changes.
Identification of the authorship of comments


Approve the BPM PRR as modified.

Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

Early January 2019
Other recommended actions

Click here to view the Final Decision for this PRR
Final Decision

Adopt the redline as final BPM version for RC service.
Stakeholder Comment

ISO received comments from Calpine, BPA, SRP and PAC during the PRR process. All comments have been addressed in the redline document attached to this PRR.

Effective Date


Adopt the recommendation as modified

New redline version attached please review.
Posted On - 11/29/2018 4:31 PM
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis not available.
Initial Comments
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has reviewed the Business Practice Manual for Reliability Coordinator Services (BPM) and comments submitted by the Salt River Project (SRP).  BPA supports the comments submitted by SRP.  In particular, BPA agrees that the BPM should not describe or summarize information already contained and approved in RC Operating procedures such as the Outage Coordination Process, System Operating Limit Methodology, IRO-010 Data Exchange requirements, Real Time and other operating procedures etc.  To do otherwise creates an unnecessary risk for potential conflicts between the BPM and those operating procedures.
11/16/2018 12:06 PM
Logged By - Young Linn BPA (Transmission Services)
CAISO agrees to the above feedback.  Please review the latest redline BPM attached to this PRR.
11/27/2018 1:17 AM
Responded By - Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
SRP suggests that any details that are covered by the RC Operating Procedures should not be duplicated in this BPM. As CAISO has acknowledged in its FERC filing, the NERC standards dictate the function and scope of RC services, and the CAISO is working with RC Customers to develop a series of detailed RC Operating Procedures covering all aspects of RC service.

We have serious concerns about the details of those procedures being duplicated here, with a real likelihood that as the procedures evolve the terms may diverge with the BPM, create confusion for customers, CAISO staff and the public about what source should be looked to as the authoritative source.  We also are concerned that this duplication will add needless administrative work to all parties to keep the documents aligned.

In addition, the CAISO’s change process for BPMs creates an added layer of process and workload. We urge CAISO to review the RC Operating Procedures and remove all duplicative material from this BPM, using the BPM to cover only those areas that are not covered under the RC Operating Procedures.

SRP makes suggested changes consistent with these comments in the attached redlined BPM. Thank you.
11/8/2018 4:45 PM
Logged By - Nancy Saracino (Salt River Project)
Please review the latest redline BPM attached to this PRR. This should address your concerns.
11/27/2018 1:18 AM
Responded By - Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
The BPM should also address confidentiality.  That is, what data will be exchanged with other BAAs, and with what form of confidentiality protections?  We understand that the RC will be "walled off" from the CAISO Dispatch Center, but what access to data will be granted to market participants, regulators or state entities? 
11/5/2018 12:32 PM
Logged By - Mark (Calpine)
The RCSA says that information will be treated in accordance with section 20 of the tariff or the applicable data sharing information agreement, which is as it is today, so there should not be concerns of confidentiality.
11/27/2018 1:16 AM
Responded By - Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
Recommendation Comments
Regarding section 12.1.1, does the CAISO anticipate that the Net Generation and annual Net Energy for Load will be consistent with the generation and load values that are submitted for EIM purposes (for an EIM entity)?  To clarify, is it expected that the generation and load values submitted for RC purposes will be representative of the CAISO network model?
12/14/2018 11:16 AM
Logged By - Christine Kirsten (PacifiCorp)
EIM entities need to submit their NEL/NG in accordance with WECC’s definitions of NEL/NG.  The CAISO would not know whether or not an EIM entity’s (EIM) volumes match WECC’s definition of NEL/NG for that entity.
12/20/2018 10:36 AM
Responded By - Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
Section 5.1 has a table with the following line item (#14):

"Net Energy for Load and Net Generation for settlements purposes will be obtained either through direct submission or optionally calculated if the RC customer is an EIM entity.  Submission of Net Energy for Load and Net Generation will be through the MRI-Settlements application and be available through both user interface and CAISO standard web services.  Settlements bill determinant files, statements, and invoices will be available through MRI-S via both the user interface and CAISO standard web services."

The table discusses the “option” of having the Net Energy for Load calculated if the RC customer is an EIM entity.  (I was expecting section 12 to further discuss specifics on how this would be done and the optionality provided.)  Can the CAISO provide additional clarity in section 12 relating to the Net Energy for Load calculation when the RC customer is an EIM entity?  Is this automatically done?  Does it require a formal request for the CAISO to do this?
12/10/2018 9:15 AM
Logged By - Christine Kirsten (PacifiCorp)
Please see the redline - version 3.
12/20/2018 10:37 AM
Responded By - Katta, Gautham (CAISO)
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