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PRR Details
Title Updated BPM configuration guide for pre-calculation resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism to accommodate various fixes
Date Submitted 8/30/2017 11:23 AM
PRR Category B
Priority Normal
Owner Peacock, Bonnie (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 11/13/2017 12:00 AM
Related BPM Settlements and Billing
BPM Section PC RA Availability Incentive Mechanism
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Existing Language
See BPMs attached to this PRR
Proposed Language
See BPMs attached to this PRR
Reason For Revision

A dispute was made by a market participant where a non-Resource Specific System RA Resource, that was derated with a nature of work that qualifies for RAAIM outage exemption, did not receive such exemption. The settlements configuration uses a resource’s pmax in intermediary calculations to apply outage exemptions. However, non-Resource Specific System Resources do not necessarily have a pmax, which led to the outage exemption not being applied correctly. It has been determined that this issue will be fixed.


An inquiry and dispute was made by a market participant where an NGR REM resource received RAAIM penalties. Upon investigation, it was found that the resource’s pmin, which was negative, was being added to its availability. Further investigation also found that the must offer obligation rules for NGR REM resources were not being applied correctly in the RAAIM calculations. It has been determined that these issues will be fixed.


Disputes were made by market participants where resources that were exempt under acquired rights (currently using grandfathered contracts from SCP) were not being exempt in the RAAIM calculations. During investigation, it was found that the settlements system (as reflected in the configuration output file) was not configured according to the BPM. This error was introduced with the April emergency release. The equations for these four bill determinants will be fixed to be consistent with the BPM:


This will correct the error where the RA resource was not being exempted in RT when 1) the resource is either a Long Start with no DA or RUC commitment or an Extremely Long Start resource not committed through ELC and 2) it is eligible to be exempt from RAAIM assessment in RT for being a combined heat and power resource, QF resource, participating load that is pumping load, resource with acquired rights, or have pmax < 1.0 MW. Note that this issue does not require BPM changes, but configuration changes only.


Internal investigation found that RMR resources were not being exempted from RAAIM calculations. Fixes will be made to exempt RMR resources in the RAAIM calculations.


The rules and associated formula changes are anticipated for implementation by 11/1/2017 with a 11/1/2016 effective date.

Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Peacock, Bonnie (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

The ISO proposes no modified BPM language beyond that proposed in the BPM PRR.
Identification of the authorship of comments

No comments were received.

Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

This BPM PRR contains basic language changes.
Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

There are system changes associated with this PRR. The system changes are planned for implementation on 10/25/2017 on a normal basis.
Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

The ISO proposes an effective date of 11/1/2016 for the BPM revisions.
Other recommended actions

The ISO does not recommend any other actions on this BPM PRR.
Click here to view the Final Decision for this PRR
Final Decision

The ISO will adopt the BPM change as proposed in the recommendation.
Stakeholder Comment

No comments submitted.

Effective Date


Adopt the recommendation as originally issued

Please note:
RAAIM settlement is advisory between November 2016 and March 2017.  RAAIM settlement is financially binding starting April 2017.
Posted On - 8/31/2017 7:57 AM
Impact Analysis
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