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PRR Life Cycle******Pending Final Decision***
PRR Details
Title Declassifying as a BPM, transition to supporting document
Date Submitted 5/21/2024 3:57 PM
PRR Category A
Priority Normal
Owner Meredith, Jacqueline (CAISO)
Status Pending Final Decision
Status End Date 8/14/2024 11:59 PM
Related BPM Definitions and Acronyms
BPM Section Full BPM
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Existing Language
​Currently, the Definitions and Acronyms BPM is a duplicate copy of the definitions and acronyms in the CAISO BPM's as well as Appendix A of the CAISO Tariff. All changes to definitions and acronyms officially occur during the BPM change management review cycle, or during the tariff filing review cycle.
Proposed Language

​Declassify this BPM as a formal "BPM" and reclassify as a supporting document to the BPMs. The document will still be posted and available for use, and will be updated more regularly.

Reason For Revision

The Definitions & Acronyms BPM is a convenience copy of all definitions and acronyms in the CAISO Tariff and all other BPMs. By reclassifying this document as a supporting document, the full review cycle will no longer be needed prior to posting these updates. This will allow for changes to be posted more promptly, save time for all involved, and duplicate reviews of the same edits will no longer occur prior to posting.

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