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PRR Details
Title Updated BPM configuration guide for pre-calc configuration guide pre-calc wheel export quantity to accommodate transmission service and market scheduling priorities project phase 2
Date Submitted 3/20/2024 2:03 PM
PRR Category C
Priority Normal
Owner Ahmadi, Massih (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 6/13/2024 11:59 PM
Related BPM Settlements and Billing
BPM Section CG PC Wheel Export Quantity_5.6
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Reason For Revision

The TSMSP2 Project triggered the change. The change is required to ensure that Wheel Through schedules have the same priority to Available Transmission Capability (ATC) at an intertie as Load. Updates to configuration ensure that the Original Wheeling Priority SC should be charged WAC for the Maximum of  Wheeling Priority Quantity and scheduled export.  While the purchaser of the resale Wheeling Priority Quantity should be assessed WAC on the maximum of schedule export less purchased Wheeling priority MW and zero. CG PC Wheel Export Quantity is impacted. The effective date is 6/1/2024 and the anticipated implementation date is 5/29/2024.


The tariff requires that Original Wheeling Priority transaction and the Resale transaction become effective in the market 6/1/2024. For that reason, both are reflected in the updated configuration effective 6/1/2024. However, Setttlements is unable to map and settle the Resale component until some point in the future. The resale values for trade dates prior to the implementation date need to be stored somewhere and correction payloads need to be developed to publish these values in the future for retroactive settlement. The implementation timeline for Resale mapping is currently a work-in-progress.


The Market Sim for TSMSP2 and the Summer 2024 Release will not include the Resale component. Once the Resale functionality is available, we we will schedule an additional Market simulation which allows participants to buy/sell PWT, test the updated mapping of the settlement resale bill determinant, and verify the settlement

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