
Proposed Revision Request Detail Help
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PRR Details
Title Clarification to ancillary service state of charge constraint and bid cost recovery
Date Submitted 1/8/2024 1:55 PM
PRR Category A
Priority Normal
Owner Martin, Michael (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 5/14/2024 11:59 PM
Related BPM Market Operations
BPM Section Ancillary Service State of Charge Constraint
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Existing Language
​See Attached
Proposed Language
​See Attached
Reason For Revision
Added the conditions where energy awards for storage resources are not eligible for bid cost recovery. 
Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Martin, Michael (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

​Approve the BPM PRR as submitted.

Identification of the authorship of comments


Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

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Click here to view the Final Decision for this PRR
Final Decision

Approve as issued.
Stakeholder Comment

CAISO provided responses to PGEs comments.

Effective Date


Adopt the recommendation as originally issued

Please see CAISO's responses to PGEs comments in the document "PRR1547_PGE_Comments final.docx"

Posted On - 3/29/2024 12:58 PM
The ISO is addressing two items with this PRR.  First, when the Energy Storage Enhancements Track 1 project went to production on July 1 2023, the time index for the State-of-Charge (SOC) term in the A/S SOC constraint formulation changed in such a way that the first advisory interval (instead of the financially-binding interval) should be checked for binding A/S SOC constraints in the effort to flag uneconomic dispatch related to A/S SOC constraints.  Second, the ISO determined that because all advisory intervals in a market run have the ability to drive an uneconomical dispatch of the storage resource in the financially-binding interval when the storage resource has an Ancillary Service schedule within the market horizon, the A/S SOC flag (as published in CMRI under “Real-Time -> Market Active Resource Constraints”) should also indicate these uneconomical dispatches that were necessary to meet future Ancillary Service schedules.  Per Tariff Section 11.6.6, the ISO is required to detect when storage resources are uneconomically dispatched to have sufficient SOC to meet Ancillary Service schedules and make the storage resource ineligible for RTM Bid Cost Shortfalls.
Posted On - 3/1/2024 10:24 AM
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis not available.
Initial Comments
Please see attached comments by Terra-Gen, LLC.
2/13/2024 2:15 PM
Logged By - Chris Devon (Terra-Gen, LLC)

The ISO is addressing two items with this PRR.  First, when the Energy Storage Enhancements Track 1 project went to production on July 1, 2023 the logic for the time index for the State-of-Charge (SOC) term in the A/S SOC constraint formulation changed to the first advisory interval instead of the first binding interval but the indication of an uneconomic dispatch related to an A/S SOC constraint did not also change.  Second, the ISO determined that because all advisory intervals in a market run have the ability to drive an uneconomical dispatch of the storage resource in the financially-binding interval when the storage resource has an Ancillary Service schedule within the market horizon, the A/S SOC constraint should also indicate these uneconomical dispatches that were necessary to meet future Ancillary Service schedules.  Per Tariff Section 11.6.6, the ISO is required to detect when storage resources are uneconomically dispatched to have sufficient SOC to meet Ancillary Service schedules and make the storage resource ineligible for RTM Bid Cost Shortfalls.  -- Yannick Degeilh and Jennie Araj
2/21/2024 5:23 PM
Responded By - Martin, Michael (CAISO)
Please see attached for PG&E's comments on PRR1547.
2/13/2024 10:04 AM
Logged By - MichaelVolpePGE (Pacific Gas & Electric Company)

The ISO is addressing two items with this PRR.  First, when the Energy Storage Enhancements Track 1 project went to production on July 1, 2023 the logic for the time index for the State-of-Charge (SOC) term in the A/S SOC constraint formulation changed to the first advisory interval instead of the first binding interval but the indication of an uneconomic dispatch related to an A/S SOC constraint did not also change.  Second, the ISO determined that because all advisory intervals in a market run have the ability to drive an uneconomical dispatch of the storage resource in the financially-binding interval when the storage resource has an Ancillary Service schedule within the market horizon, the A/S SOC constraint should also indicate these uneconomical dispatches that were necessary to meet future Ancillary Service schedules.  Per Tariff Section 11.6.6, the ISO is required to detect when storage resources are uneconomically dispatched to have sufficient SOC to meet Ancillary Service schedules and make the storage resource ineligible for RTM Bid Cost Shortfalls.  -- Yannick Degeilh and Jennie Araj
2/21/2024 5:24 PM
Responded By - Martin, Michael (CAISO)
Recommendation Comments
Please see CAISO responses to PG&E's comments attached.
3/12/2024 10:07 AM
Logged By - MichaelVolpePGE (Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
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