
The California ISO's change management process facilitates the transparent exchange of ideas and information when the ISO considers modifications to its Business Practice Manuals (BPMs). Use​​ this site to submit and view Proposed Revision Requests (PRRs) and their statuses and to access the BPM library.

  • The purpose of BPMs is to set forth business practices that implement the ISO tariff. The ISO conducts a yearly policy initiative roadmap process to consider and rank initiatives.
  • Policy changes submitted though the PRR process will be referred to the policy initiative road map process. Each subject area in a BPM is based on enabling language in the ISO tariff.
  • The PRR process cannot be used to introduce changes that are not supported by existing tariff authority.​
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  • Click on the PRR Number to view the complete details of the PRR.
  • To view the complete title mouse hover on the PRR Title field.
  • IC - Initial Comment, RC - Recommendation Comment

  • PRR
    PRR Title
    Submitted By
    Last Action
    1577Three unrelated corrections and clarificationsMarket OperationsInitial CommentAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1576Addition of contingency-base flowgates to Flexible Ramping Product deployment scenariosMarket OperationsWithdrawnBMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency6/13/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1575Declassifying as a BPM, transition to supporting documentDefinitions and AcronymsRecommendation CommentAMeredith, Jacqueline (CAISO)Normal7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1574Addition of new Real Time Advisory Shutdown Instructions Customer Market Results Interface reportMarket InstrumentsRecommendation CommentAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency7/2/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1573Clarifications to the CAISO AET Opt-in determination and Opt-in processEnergy Imbalance MarketRecommendation CommentAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1572Updated CC 4575 GMC Scheduling Coordinator ID Charge to clarify business rule charge code exclusionsSettlements and BillingFinal DecisionAAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1571Updating SUC MLC PC BPM documentation for Advisory shutdown flag for MLC qualificationSettlements and BillingFinal DecisionAAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1570Details on new process to establish Wheeling Through Priority as part of the TSMSP projectMarket OperationsFinal DecisionCMartin, Michael (CAISO)Emergency7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1569Meter data submission requirementMeteringFinal DecisionANamburi, Priyanka (CAISO)Normal7/1/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1568Clarifying tagging requirements in support of resource sufficiency evaluation Phase 2 ProjectMarket OperationsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 2
    1567Updates to constraints related to the impact of ancillary service awards on state of charge on storage resourcesMarket OperationsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1566Updating multiple BPMs for correct settlement of hybrid tie generator resourcesSettlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1565Update configuration guide for resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism pre-calc to resolve data overlap for the same resource on acquired rights and run of river resource adequacy availability incentive mechanism exemptionSettlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1564Updated real time congestion pre-calc 5.8 to accommodate a fix to show nodal congestion calculations.Settlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1563Created and updated multiple BPM configuration guides to exclude base schedule energy transfer system resource from being considered in assistance energy transfer calculations, and flags for corrections to resource sufficiency evaluations Pass/Fail scenarSettlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1562Configuration updates to the real time energy quantity pre-calc to add new WEIM pumped storage interval resource base schedule variable as an input to the settlement interval resource base schedule. Settlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1561Updated BPM Configuration guide real time net amount pre-calculation to accommodate market enhancement to ancillary services state of charge constraint.Settlements and BillingClosedBAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1560Updated BPM configuration guide for pre-calc configuration guide pre-calc wheel export quantity to accommodate transmission service and market scheduling priorities project phase 2Settlements and BillingClosedCAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1559Updating BPM existing transmission contract pre-calc transmission ownership right converted rights quantity business rule to support transmission exchange agreement initiativeSettlements and BillingClosedAAhmadi, Massih (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1558New OASIS report labeled ​ATC for PWT Requests Market InstrumentsClosedBMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal6/14/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1557Two minor updates related to multistage generators functionalityMarket OperationsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal5/16/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1556Clarification on hybrid dynamic limits submission requirementsMarket OperationsClosedAMartin, Michael (CAISO)Normal5/16/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1555Rules of Conduct Enhancements - Phase 1Rules of Conduct AdministrationClosedCStahl, Angelica (CAISO)Normal5/16/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1554Minor revision to Section 6.2 Estimated Aggregate Liability ComponentsCredit Management and Market ClearingClosedABilling, Christina (CAISO)Normal5/16/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    1553Gen Model Data Requirements Real Reactive Capability Testing Process ClarificationTransmission Planning ProcessClosedARivera, Andrew (CAISO)Normal5/16/2024 IC: 0
    RC: 0
    Total No. of Proposed Revision Requests = 1510
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