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Title Conditionally Available Resource (CAR) treatment and registration process
Date Submitted 7/16/2019 2:51 PM
PRR Category A
Priority Emergency
Owner Agbassekou, Kokou (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 9/18/2019 11:59 PM
Related BPM Market Operations
BPM Section Section 2.1.16 addresses the relevant clarifications and changes (to make consistent with tariff) the treatment of CARs
Section removes a statement that hydro and other resources are automatically treated as use limited
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2.1.16    Conditionally Available Resource

A Scheduling Coordinator may apply to register a resource with the CAISO as a Conditionally Available Resource (CAR) if the resource has one or more operational or regulatory limits that do not qualify it as a Use-Limited Resource, but still impose frequent and recurring periods of unavailability.  The same resource may have one or more limits that qualify it as a Use-Limited Resource and one or more limits that would qualify it as a CAR.  If a resource qualifies as both a Use-Limited Resource and a CAR, the Scheduling Coordinator representing the resource may choose either status but not both at the same time. .

Examples of why a resource might fall in this category are the following:

  • Regulatory limitation due to noise abatement
  • Hybrid technology, such as a wind or solar resource with a battery component

  The CAR designation exempts a resource from bid generation if it provides RA capacity.  CARs are not exempt from RAAIM unless they separately qualify for a RAAIM exemption.  The bid generation exemption is provided because it is more feasible for both the resource and the CAISO to manage these limitations through a bid generation exemption than solely through the outage management process.  If they so choose, however, a CAR may manage its limitations through outage cards submitted to the CAISO’s Outage Management System or a combination of outage cards and not bidding during times the resource is not available.

There are several categories of resources that are exempt from bid generation pursuant to Tariff section 40.6.8(e).  If a resource falls into one of those other categories, then there is no need to register as a CAR. 

CARs are not eligible to use any of the “use limit reached” outage types and are not eligible for opportunity cost adders.  (If CAR has eligible “use-limits” that it can qualify separately as a Use-Limited Resource and terminate its status as a CAR.)

         Use-Limited Resource Registration

CAISO Tariff Section

For a resource to be considered a Use-Limited Resource, the Scheduling Coordinator must provide the CAISO with a request to register the specifically identified eligible resource as a Use-Limited Resource along with appropriate supporting documentation as noted below. 

Hydroelectric Generating Units, Participating Load, Pumping Load, PDR, and RDRR are exempt from the requirement to register as a Use-Limited Resource and will be automatically designated by the CAISO as a Use-Limited Resource. However, even though the CAISO will designate these types of resources as use limited, there is a documentation requirement for hydro resources which is noted below.  

To request the CAISO to register an eligible resource as a Use-Limited Resource, the Scheduling Coordinator should open an Inquiry Ticket via the Customer Inquiry Dispute and Information (CIDI tool.  The ticket must include specific operating data for the unit and supporting documentation including, but not limited to:

·        A detailed explanation of why the unit is subject to operating limitations.

Documentation, such as environmental permits or operating manuals, as well as page numbers or section numbers in the supporting documentation, substantiating the detailed explanation of why the unit is subject to operating limitations.

·        Historical data showing attainable MWh for each 24-hour period during the preceding year.  Data should include environmental restrictions and other factors as applicable. 

·        Any additional data in order for CAISO to understand the operating characteristics of the unit.


Although the CAISO intends to review applications individually, the following table provides general non-binding guidelines regarding the scope of Use-Limited status.  The definition of a Use-Limited Resource is “a resource that, due to design considerations, environmental restrictions on operations, cyclical requirements, such as the need to recharge or refill, or other non-economic reasons, is unable to operate continuously on a daily basis, but is able to operate for a minimum set of consecutive Trading Hours each Trading Day.” Note that under the CAISO tariff, contractual limitations on the availability of Resource Adequacy resources, do not qualify a resource for Use-Limited status.

Upon submission of the required information in the CIDI Ticket, the scheduling coordinator must then submit an updated resource data template (RDT) through the master file.  The CAISO will review the information provided and either approve or deny the RDT submission as appropriate.  If additional information is required, the CAISO will request such information through the CIDI











Proposed Language

2.1.16    Conditionally Available Resource

A Scheduling Coordinator may apply to register a resource with the CAISO as a Conditionally Available Resource (CAR) if the resource has one or more operational or regulatory limits that do not qualify it as a Use-Limited Resource, but still impose frequent and recurring periods of unavailability.  The same resource may have one or more limits that qualify it as a Use-Limited Resource and one or more limits that would qualify it as a CAR.  If a resource qualifies as both a Use-Limited Resource and a CAR, the Scheduling Coordinator representing the resource may register the resource under both statuses at the same time. [A1]  

Examples of why a resource might fall in this category are the following:

  • Regulatory limitation due to noise abatement
  • Hybrid technology, such as a wind or solar resource with a battery component

The CAR designation exempts a resource from bid generation if it provides RA capacity.  A CAR resource also qualifies for a unique must offer obligation under section and for more details this must offer obligation please reference sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 of the Reliability Requirements BPM.  CARs do not hold a blanket RAAIM exemption, but are eligible to use the RAAIM exempt “Ambient Not Due to Temperature” outage card nature of work as described in section 3.4 of the Outage Management BPM.

There are several categories of resources that are exempt from bid generation pursuant to Tariff section 40.6.8(e).  If a resource falls into one of those other categories, then there is no need to register as a CAR to be exempt from bid generation.    CARs that are not registered as a Use Limited resource are not eligible to use any of the “use limit reached” outage types and are not eligible for opportunity cost adders.  (If CAR has eligible “use-limits” that it can qualify separately as a Use-Limited Resource and terminate its status as a CAR.)         Use-Limited Resource Registration

CAISO Tariff Section

For a resource to be considered a Use-Limited Resource, the Scheduling Coordinator must provide the CAISO with a request to register the specifically identified eligible resource as a Use-Limited Resource along with appropriate supporting documentation as noted below. 

To request the CAISO to register an eligible resource as a Use-Limited Resource, the Scheduling Coordinator should open an Inquiry Ticket via the Customer Inquiry Dispute and Information (CIDI) tool.  The ticket must include specific operating data for the unit and supporting documentation including, but not limited to:


·         A detailed explanation of why the unit is subject to operating limitations.


  • Documentation, such as environmental permits or operating manuals, as well as page numbers or section numbers in the supporting documentation, substantiating the detailed explanation of why the unit is subject to operating limitations.

·        Historical data showing attainable MWh for each 24-hour period during the preceding year.  Data should include environmental restrictions and other factors as applicable. 

·        Any additional data in order for CAISO to understand the operating characteristics of the unit.


Although the CAISO intends to review applications individually, the following table provides general non-binding guidelines regarding the scope of Use-Limited status.  The definition of a Use-Limited Resource is “a resource that, due to design considerations, environmental restrictions on operations, cyclical requirements, such as the need to recharge or refill, or other non-economic reasons, is unable to operate continuously on a daily basis, but is able to operate for a minimum set of consecutive Trading Hours each Trading Day.” Note that under the CAISO tariff, contractual limitations on the availability of Resource Adequacy resources, do not qualify a resource for Use-Limited status.




Upon submission of the required information in the CIDI Ticket, the scheduling coordinator must then submit an updated resource data template (RDT) through the master file.  The CAISO will review the information provided and either approve or deny the RDT submission as appropriate.  If additional information is required, the CAISO will request such information through the CIDI







Reason For Revision

Tariff and BPM clarification regarding the interpretation of ISO tariff section which would allow for a limited must offer obligation for certain types of resources.
Effective July 18, 2019


Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Agbassekou, Kokou (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

No modifications to the original PRR are proposed.
Identification of the authorship of comments

No comments were received.

Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Conditionally Available Resource (CAR) treatment and registration process
Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

July 18, 2019
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