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Title Update pre-calculation real time market net amount to resolve two issues that relate to (1) the application of the Persistent Deviation Metric (PDM) and (2) the determination of bid cost recovery bid cost for a net-settled metered subsystem
Date Submitted 2/10/2017 8:21 AM
PRR Category B
Priority Normal
Owner Caldwell, Elizabeth (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 4/17/2017 12:00 AM
Related BPM Settlements and Billing
BPM Section Pre-calculation Real Time Market Net Amount
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Existing Language

See BPM attached to this PRR


The proposed change involves five (5) existing versions of the Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount configuration that relate to five (5) distinct Trading Day Ranges, as indicated in the following table:


Version Title

Trading Day Range

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.22

05/01/2014 – 09/30/2014

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.23

10/01/2014 – 06/30/2015

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.24

07/01/2015 – 11/03/2015

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.25

11/04/2015 – 10/31/2016

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.26

11/01/2016 - Open

Proposed Language

See BPM attached to this PRR


The proposed change introduces five (5) new versions of the Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount configuration that govern the same five (5) Trading Day Ranges listed in the prior section. The new versions are presented in the following table:


Version Title

Trading Day Range

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.27

05/01/2014 – 09/30/2014

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.28

10/01/2014 – 06/30/2015

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.29

07/01/2015 – 11/03/2015

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.30

11/04/2015 – 10/31/2016

Pre-calculation RTM Net Amount Version 5.31

11/01/2016 - Open

Reason For Revision

A market participant has entered a CIDI ticket that, upon ISO investigation, reveals that the current settlement configuration is incorrectly calculating the bid cost recovery-applicable energy bid cost for a given settlement Interval in the case where a resource is detected by means of the persistent deviation metric (PDM) to have been persistently deviating from its dispatch instructions over the twenty four (24) settlement Intervals of the two-hour PDM evaluation window for the given settlement Interval. For a deviating resource the configuration should determine and apply the energy bid cost as the minimum of the three (3) energy bid costs based on the Final Bid price, Default Energy Bid (DEB) price and the Locational Marginal Price (LMP). The configuration is overstating the LMP-based energy bid cost.


The reason for this is that the configuration is not excluding the minimum load energy in determining the LMP-based cost that is associated with the bid energy.


Unrelated to the above-mentioned configuration defect, another CIDI ticket points to an issue with the pricing of energy from a resource belonging to a net-settled metered subsystem (MSS) entity (i.e., a MSS that has selected the net settlement option) for a case where the bid price is missing for the energy. The configuration software is leaving the bid price as missing, effectively using a default value of zero (0) for bid cost calculations in which the bid price is applied. However, under certain conditions the MSS LMP should be used instead of 0.


The proposed revision specified by this PRR for the pre-calculation real-time market net amount BPM guide should allow the configuration to rectify the two (2) above-described defects concerning PDM-related bid cost minimization for BCR and a net-settled MSS entity’s missing bid price.


Calculations of successor pre-calculation or charge codes of the updated configuration are not impacted by the changes suggested herein. However, the results (data) of successor calculations will change due to differences between the output values of the current and proposed versions of the configurations.


It is proposed that the changes to resolve the two (2) identified defects be implemented and applied as follows:


PDM-related Defect:

Retroactively, effective starting with trading Ddy May 1, 2014 to capture all trading days over which the defect applies.


Net-settled MSS Missing Bid Price Defect:

Retroactively, effective starting with trading day November 1, 2016 to only correct configuration software that becomes effective on or subsequent to Trading Day November 1, 2016.


The ISO anticipates implementation of the BPM changes on or about March 27, 2017
Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Caldwell, Elizabeth (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

The ISO proposes additional modified BPM language beyond that proposed in the BPM PRR.
Identification of the authorship of comments

No comments were received.

Approve the BPM PRR as modified.

PC RTM Net Amount v5.27-5.31 are updated to ensure MSS Load following overlapped energy are excluded from BCR when computing the DEB cost. In particular, the formula BASettlementIntervalResourceMSSDEBEligibleRTMOptimalIIEBidCost was updated to eliminate application of Load Following Flag input, and the input RTMDefaultOptimalEnergyBidBasedPrice was modified.
Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

This BPM PRR contains basic language changes.
Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

There are system changes associated with this PRR. The system changes are planned for implementation on 3/27/2017 on a normal basis.
Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

The ISO proposes an effective date of 5/1/2014 for the BPM revisions.
Other recommended actions

The ISO does not recommend any other actions on this BPM PRR.
Click here to view the Final Decision for this PRR
Final Decision

The ISO will adopt the BPM change as proposed in the recommendation plus the additional content revisions proposed during the comment on recommendation period.
Stakeholder Comment

No comments submitted.

Effective Date


Adopt the recommendation as modified

The input DispatchIntervalDEBBasisOptimalIIE BrtuT’bI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’mdhcif was modified to eliminate representation of Load Following Energy.
Posted On - 3/3/2017 5:03 PM
PC RTM Net Amount v5.27-5.31 are updated to ensure MSS Load following overlapped energy are excluded from BCR when computing the DEB cost. In particular, the formula BASettlementIntervalResourceMSSDEBEligibleRTMOptimalIIEBidCost was updated to eliminate application of Load Following Flag input, and the input RTMDefaultOptimalEnergyBidBasedPrice was modified.
Posted On - 2/21/2017 3:48 PM
Impact Analysis
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No Recommendation Comments available for this PRR.
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