See BPM attached to this PRR
See BPM attached to this PRR
CAISO received disputes with respect to Limited Energy Storage Resources (LESR) generic and flexible Resource Adequacy Assessment Incentive (RAAIM) assessments on two separate occasions and as separate issues.
For generic resource adequacy (RA), research showed some resources are available for it’s negative capacity range and such calculation used to satisfy generic obligation. This conflicts with the fact that the most any resource can provide for generic availability is its Pmax and should involve only the positive capacity range, as it has to be generation not consumption.
For flexible RA obligation, it was found that for LESRs, and any resource with a potential negative capacity range for that matter, the original flex RA obligation is being restricted in Settlements to positive range only. This is incorrect since the full range (negative to positive) capacity are treated for awards of flexible obligation.
The successor charge codes CC 8830 (Monthly RAAIM Settlement) and CC 8831 (Monthly RAAIM Allocation) will be impacted.
Approve as submitted.