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Title Energy imbalance market thresholds
Date Submitted 7/23/2019 9:45 AM
PRR Category B
Priority Normal
Owner Agbassekou, Kokou (CAISO)
Status Closed
Status End Date 10/15/2019 11:59 PM
Related BPM Energy Imbalance Market
BPM Section Section 11.3 Real-Time Operations
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**This is a new section to be added to the EIM BPM due to EIM Enhancement 2019 project.

11.3.14      EIM Thresholds

EIM Thresholds serve as a comprehensive safeguard to check the market solution before it is finalized for implementation. The EIM thresholds will mitigate unreasonable excursions in EIM energy transfers among the different EIM BAAs due to unjustified large changes in market solution because of software defect or inconsistency in any of the market input data.  Preventing this extreme solution from being further processes helps BAAs avoid, or at least mitigate, unnecessary reliability issues caused by the market solution excursions.  A threshold set too low may trip too often including times when the solution is actually valid, whereas a threshold set too high will not be of value.  See the section titled “Guidelines for Determination of RTD EIM Thresholds” below for guidance on how an EIM Entity should set EIM thresholds for its BAA.      EIM Thresholds for RTD/RTPD


·         Total Generation INC/DEC MWs per BAA

o    Actual total INC, Actual total DEC

o    Net algebraic sum of total INC and total DEC MWs

·         Total ETSRs INC and DEC MWs per BAA

o    Separate Actual total INC, and Actual total DEC MWs

o    Net algebraic sum of INC and DEC MWs

  • Total Intertie INC/DEC MWs per BAA

o     Actual total INC, Actual total DEC

o     Net algebraic sum of total INC and total DEC MWs

Actual Generation

  • INC: Sums up the RTD/RTPD External DOT INC, VER DOT INC, and DR DOT INC numbers shown on the Dispatch Control Screen and compares that to the Actual Generation INC Threshold.




  • DEC: Sums up the RTD/RTPD External DOT DEC, VER DOT DEC, and DR DOT DEC numbers shown on the Dispatch Control Screen and compares that to the Actual Generation DEC Threshold.



Net Generation

  • INC: Sums up the RTD/RTPD External DOT SUM, VER DOT SUM, and DR DOT SUM numbers shown on the Dispatch Control Screen and compares that to the Net Generation INC Threshold.
  • DEC: Sums up the RTD/RTPD External DOT SUM, VER DOT SUM, and DR DOT SUM numbers shown on the Dispatch Control Screen and compares that to the Net Generation DEC Threshold.



Actual ETSR  

  • INC: Compares the total RTD/RTPD ETSR DOT INC number shown on the Dispatch Control Screen to the Actual ETSR INC Threshold.
  • DEC: Compares the total 5-minute ETSR DOT DEC number shown on the RTD Dispatch Control Screen to the Actual ETSR DEC Threshold.



  • INC: Compares the total RTD/RTPD Total EIM Transfer number shown on the Dispatch Control Screen to the Actual ETSR INC Threshold.
  • DEC: Compares the total RTD/RTPD Total EIM Transfer number shown on the Dispatch Control Screen to the Actual ETSR DEC Threshold.
      Guidelines for Determination of EIM Thresholds for RTD/RTPD


·         Generation Thresholds: should be greater than the EIM Entity BAA total generation 5-minute max ramping capability of participating resources with economic bids, plus the Historical base schedule generation movement to meet the BAA demand obligation changes in 5-minutes, plus any other 5-min uncertainty related to supply or load movements. The final generation threshold number should be the maximum of the above calculation, the contingency reserve obligation, or the Most Severe Single Contingency (MSSC).

·         ETSR Thresholds: should be at least the maximum of the 5-min ramping capability of the EIM BAA’s participating generators with economic bids supporting the ETSR movements.

·         Intertie Threshold: Currently set to high value (not active) since the interties are hourly scheduled by the EIM entities.


It should be noted that the above guidelines should be tuned for each EIM Entity BAA depending on the amount of realistic movements and response capability of each BAA. Another important point to note is that the above thresholds are active all the time for all EIM BAAs including when an EIM BAA is flagged as being in a contingency. Since CAISO BAA has a contingency dispatch mode with 10-min recovery timeline, the 5-min thresholds are not enforced for CAISO BAA during CAISO’s contingency dispatch mode.      Process to Implement EIM Thresholds


Once an EIM entity has determined their EIM Threshold values, then they need to submit the values to the CAISO via a CIDI ticket.  Once the CAISO receives this request, the threshold values will be analyzed to ensure its reasonableness. Since these threshold values affect the entire EIM market solution for all BAAs, CAISO validation of the numbers is necessary before implementing these thresholds.  If the value submitted does not pass the validation, then the EIM Entity will be informed of why and a new number needs to be submitted if warranted.  If the value submitted passes the validation, then the associated threshold value will be implemented into the production environment and will be available to the EIM Entity BAA operators to see on the BAAOP display. 

Once the EIM thresholds are implemented, it may be raised at times to allow a valid solution to be sent.  Once the solution is sent, the threshold value will be returned to its original value.  The threshold values will not be lowered below the submitted and CAISO approved value without going through the submittal process above.      EIM Thresholds in RTD/RTPD Dispatch Control Display


Individual EIM Entity Thresholds exist in RTD/RTPD and can be viewed on the Dispatch Control screen.  Once set, if a given EIM Entity Threshold is exceeded, the RTD/RTPD market will automatically come up in a block all mode and revert to the “Use Previous” solution for all EIM participants.    Alarms/Notifications

When any of the RTD/RTPD EIM Thresholds decribed above are exceeded, the cell in the EIM Thresholds table will highlight red and a message will appear above the blue box on the Dispatch Control indicating which EIM Threshold was exceeded, by which EIM Entity, and by how many MW the threshold was exceeded by.  If there is more than one threshold exceedence, then multiple cells will be highlighted red and multiple messages will appear.    Safety Net

To avoid entry of incorrect numbers, the following safety net has been added:

·         The market UI will not accept any threshold values lower than 100.


Reason For Revision
EIM Enhancement 2019 project
Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

Agbassekou, Kokou (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

No modifications to the original PRR are proposed.
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No comments were received.

Approve the BPM PRR as submitted

Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Energy imbalance market thresholds
Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

Fall 2019
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The ISO adopts the recommendation as originally submitted.
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Adopt the recommendation as originally issued

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