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PRR Details
Title Congestion revenue rights 24 hour outage clarification
Date Submitted 2/12/2019 10:54 AM
PRR Category A
Priority Normal
Owner McClain, Jim (CAISO)
Status Abandoned
Status End Date 3/19/2019 11:59 PM
Related BPM Congestion Revenue Rights
BPM Section Section 10.3.1
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Existing Language

The ISO emphasizes that the 30-day rule is not intended to prevent needed maintenance on significant facilities in circumstances where the 30-day rule cannot be followed without adversely affecting the grid reliability. Accordingly, the following exceptions to the 30-day rule will be used to approve outages without classifying them as forced:

1.      Outages that are less than 24 hours in duration. 

2.      Outages previously approved by ISO that are moved within the same calendar month either by the ISO or by request of the PTO.

3.      ISO approved allowable transmission maintenance activities during restricted maintenance operations as covered in ISO operating procedure E-509A.


The ISO will review the history of exceptions annually to determine whether they are effective in promoting adequate information for CRR purposes, and whether use of these exceptions should continue to be classified as planned.
Proposed Language

The ISO emphasizes that the 30-day rule is not intended to prevent needed maintenance on significant facilities in circumstances where the 30-day rule cannot be followed without adversely affecting the grid reliability. Accordingly, the following exceptions to the 30-day rule will be used to approve outages without classifying them as forced:

1.      Outages that can be initiated and completed within a twenty-four hour period. . 

2.      Outages previously approved by ISO that are moved within the same calendar month either by the ISO or by request of the PTO.

3.      ISO approved allowable transmission maintenance activities during restricted maintenance operations as covered in ISO operating procedure.


The ISO will review the history of exceptions annually to determine whether they are effective in promoting adequate information for CRR purposes, and whether use of these exceptions should continue to be classified as planned.

With regards to outages that cannot be initiated and completed within a twenty four hour period, there are additional factors to consider.    If a transmission operator is considering one single outage for a single element, the operator must report that outage based on how long that single outage record lasts.  If the outage cannot be commenced and completed within a 24 hour period, even if the 24 hour period spans over two calendar days the outage must be reported consistent with the time line specified above.  In some cases, transmission operators are considering more complex outages that are composed of a series of outages of the same transmission facility.  The CAISO understands that some operators may consider such outages as discrete and separate outages that commence and complete within a 24 hour period.  That interpretation is inconsistent with the tariff requirement.  Although each outage may be identified with its specific outage identifier, if there are multiple outages impacting the same transmission facility, then the transmission operators must consider the time span between the end time of the last outage identifier and start time of the first outage identifier to determine if the series of outages must be submitted 30 days prior to the month the outage is to begin.  For example, if there is an outage impacting LINE A for a given day of a month for 5 hours (from 1 pm to 6 pm) and then another outage submitted for the next day impacting the same Line A for 10 hours (from 8 am to 4 pm) then these two outages are required to be reported under the 30 day rule. This is because the period from 1pm on day one to 4pm of next day spans more than 24 hours.  The CAISO has determined that outages on a specific transmission facility that cannot be commenced and completed within a 24 hour period will impact the power flow in the CRR DC FNM even though the transmission operator starts and stops their work each day.
Reason For Revision
Clarification of how 24 hour rule is applied
Click here to view the Recommendation Details for this PRR
BPM PRR Submitter

McClain, Jim (CAISO)
Modified BPM language proposed by the PBM Chnage Management Coordinator

None at this time
Identification of the authorship of comments


Facilitate further open meeting discussions on the submitted BPM PRR at a subsequent stakeholder meeting

The CAISO is still reviewing the comments received from PG&E and will require more time to provide a response.
Statement of apparent requirements of the BPM PRR

Priority and rank for any BPM PRR requiring a CAISO system change

Proposed effective date(s) of the BPM PRR

Other recommended actions

PRR 1138 is being withdrawn by the ISO and will be submitted as a new PRR at the end of September 2019.
Posted On - 9/11/2019 3:46 PM
As announced during today's 3/16/19 BPM change management meeting, the ISO is placing PRR 1138 on hold,
in order to consider edits as suggested by market participants through the comment period.
Posted On - 3/26/2019 1:35 PM
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis not available.
Initial Comments
2/28/2019 3:37 PM
Logged By - winichen (ISO & FERC Relations)
The CAISO is still discussing the comments provided by PG&E and will require more time before responding.
3/5/2019 8:24 AM
Responded By - McClain, Jim (CAISO)
2/28/2019 3:05 PM
Logged By - Rebecca Shelton (Cities of Anaheim, Azusa, Banning, Colton, Pasadena, and Riverside, California)
The language is correctly reflected in the BPM for CRRs so I believe this comment is only for PRR 1137 and the BPM for Outage Management is being updated.
3/5/2019 8:23 AM
Responded By - McClain, Jim (CAISO)
Recommendation Comments
No Recommendation Comments available for this PRR.